
How to Play

VISUAL instructions

Written instructions

Set up:

Separate the cards by type and deal 8 response (yellow) cards to each player, which they can look at but not share with others yet. Place the remaining cards face down in the middle of the group or assign a dealer. Everyone gets a new response card each turn after they play one. Optional to use a timer to pace the game.

Here’s an example of what could be shared with the group before playing: “This is not a game where there is a winner. It is a game that helps us connect and hear more about people’s stories and why people think what they think! Different players “spark” conversations and listeners/responders make connections… like starting a campfire!”


S- Show up authentically
P- Pause + listen FULLY (ears, eyes, heart + body)
A- Ask (don’t assume)
R- Respect diversity
K- Kindly expect messiness

Getting the game started

1. The dealer gives 8 response cards to each player. Players can look at their cards but not show them to others

2. Find out who in the circle has the closest birthday to today (They are the conversation “Sparker”)

3. The Sparker draws 1 prompt card (red card) and reads it to themselves, then reads the card out loud, sparking the conversation

4. The Players / Igniters each select a yellow card from their hand to complete the sentence that the Sparker shared, hoping to be the one to “Spark” a connection

5. The Igniters pass their card, face down, to the Sparker who mixes them up and then reads them, out loud or silently

6. The Sparker reads the completed sentence out loud to the group, sparking their red card with one of the yellow cards they were given (for about 30 seconds)

7. The other Igniters can now ask the Sparker why they chose that card out of the bunch and any other thoughts they had about the other cards (for about 30 seconds)

8. The Igniter (whose card was chosen) then reveals who they are to the group

9. That Igniter (whose card was chosen), shares why they chose that card for that Sparker (for about 30 seconds)

10. When the group seems ready, the person to the left of the Sparker goes next

11. The process starts at step one again!